Professional shitposters & money losers, when asked what you do for a living, what do you say?

Doctors, engineers, accountants, lawyers, ramen eating day traders who live in their mom's basement. This sub has it all.

Believe it or not, there are actually interesting and extremely intelligent people here. I'm not one of them.

Now for those who dedicate their time "investing" and "trading", what do you tell people when they ask what you do?


I recently decided to quit my job to become a crypto day trader. But it is extremely exhausting to repeatedly explain all the complexity that involves this… profession.

So I tell them I work with computers. Yes, that's it.

"Why are you always on your phone?" – My imaginary girlfriend asks.

"I'm WORKING." – I reply.

"You're always staring at red screens on your computer." – My friends comment.

"There's this task I must complete." – I tell them.

At family gatherings , my younger sister tells everyone I'm "The Crypto Investor".

What about you? What's your profession, Spartan?

submitted by /u/frogiscat
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