Mainly for decentralisation. By allowing entities like Coinbase or Binance to stake, for example, Cardano, you not only give yourself a worse ROI, but you also increase the power these exchanges have to determine protocol changes on the network.
The second argument is you are allowed to control your Crypto, you are able to delegate your stake to pools that align with your beliefs – for example, with Cardano there are staking pools that are ran entirely off 100% renewable energy. You also get a higher % return as the exchange isn't able to take their cut.
I get why some people way want to keep their coins on an exchange, to take advantage of flash spikes in volume for buying/selling and playing the market, but in this drawn out crab market, people should be at least trying out staking their Proof of Stake coins for themselves and seeing the benefits it can bring.
submitted by /u/TNGSystems
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