Please tell me when in history this amount of money has been printed without decimating the currency.

So many in this subreddit are in straight up denial about how fucked the US dollar is. People don't WANT the dollar to collapse, BUT when you look at history and understand basic econ 101 you can see what's going on.

Google hyperinflation and look at every single country that has experienced it. EVERYTIME it is the same story. They print unlimited amounts of money –> experience short term economic growth —> value of currency collapse. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. What makes you think the US dollar is going to be any different? We printed 35% of all the US dollars in circulation over the past year. They don't even report anymore how much money they are currently printing.

The only thing that has saved us so far is that we force the entire world to use US dollars to trade oil. How much longer is that going to last? Renewable energy will start taking up larger and larger % as time goes by.

Yes the US dollar collapsing is going to be bad, but making a post coming at people raising the alarm bells is equivalent to shoving your head in the sand hoping the problem will go away. Anyways buy ADA.

EDIT:191 comments later so far not 1 person has show me an example. downvote all you want, it won't change the facts. lol

submitted by /u/sexysaxmasta
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