I began staking (lending technically in my case) my crytos at the end of May after the big dip. I wanted a way to earn passive income on my BTC, ETH, BNB and some other large holdings I own. I'm not comfortable staking my ETH towards 2.0 at this time. I wanted an option that paid out daily and it was important I could remove my funds anytime. I found a solution I love.
I'm thrilled that a few days ago I officially passed the $1000 interest mark! That's right, $1000 earned from doing absolutely nothing. $1000 that is compounding and earning interest now too!
The funny thing, my friends all laughed at the APR rates (6.5-12%) when I told them about the solution I found. I believe one friend said "Those are weak returns man…" Well, those weak returns can pay a few mortgage payments if I decided to liquidate…
There is something gloriously amazing about earning a passive income from your crypto. It's addicting.
Make sure you have your crypto working for you! Don't be afraid of staking / lending. Start researching it and ask questions. So many amazing redditors are here to help.
//EDIT – LFG!!!! Due to the market pump, my interest payments have reached ATH of $1197 which I just converted to USDT. Win win baby!
submitted by /u/thefriendlycanadian
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