I was just browsing through to see, and I noticed within the top 10 posts of all time…
- There's one celebrating Elon Musk buying bitcoin.
- While another basically tells Elon Musk to go FK off…
- One Celebrating Robinhood adding crypto…
- while another tells Robinhood to go FK off…
Out of the top 10…
7 are FUD related
1 Celebrates Rich guy
1 Tells rich guys FK off
1 Celebrates Rich Company
1 Tells rich company FK off
1 Tells scammers to FK off
1 Tells Wallstreet FK off
1 Says you have weak hands
1 tells you how the market works when everything crashes.
1 tells bill gates to FK off.
1 in a meme.
I guess…
if you see a post moon that celebrates something, making a post hating that will also moon.
If the market crashes, Just say "Calm down" And it will moon.
If market is bull, celebrate rich people buying crypto, and that will moon.
and "I hate scammers" type posts always seem to do well.
submitted by /u/JuicySpark
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