The ARG on has begun! 🧩🗝 There’s a prize pool of $5000 in tokens to be won!

The prize pool is split between BNB and BOG tokens. There’s also NFTs to be won along the way!

An ARG, or Augmented Reality Game, uses real-world elements and user interactions to make up the content of the game, through things like puzzles and problem solving. Create team of up to 10 people or have a go solo. If you love crypto, puzzles, ARGs and NFTs then this if for you! If anyone can solve it it’s the Reddit community!

I don’t want to spoil too much here so head to for a full run down, FAQs, and links to the Discord and Telegram.

The ARG is made by the team at BogTools to celebrate the April 2nd oracle launch of limit orders for pancakeswap.

Good luck everyone!

submitted by /u/GodsGardeners
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