Trading Experiment – What would happen if you invested $1000 into the ten most recent coin gecko listings (min $1M trade volume), and then reinvested each week, for six weeks? Let’s find out!

Trading Experiment - What would happen if you invested $1000 into the ten most recent coin gecko listings (min $1M trade volume), and then reinvested each week, for six weeks? Let's find out!

Here is another one of my whacky trading experiments. No money at stake, but rather its a fantasy trading idea to see what would happen. The idea is to explore the merits of investing into a token when it is very newly listed to coin gecko – will this by itself make the price increase? Or dump?

While I know a few people that actively comb coin gecko listings with research etc, this is just a blind trade, buying the ten most recently listed coins with at least $1M of daily trade volume. After a week, I sell, and then rebuy the next ten and so on.

To add a twist, I decided I would keep the top-performer each week as a permanent addition to the portfolio – so the remainder of the coins are sold and reinvested into ten news coins.

So lets see the results after six weeks! (apologies in advance for any maths errors – this is done through excel but its still hard to track things)

Here Bridge Mutual is the winner. I have no idea what happened to Panda Yield – the coin is still active, but it happened to have a turbo dump at this time when I checked the figures.

So down 30% or so in one week!!!! Can we recover? Lets see week 2:

This week we recovered all our losses!! (almost). HydraDX was the winner but it had some weird token swap making it hard to follow, so I decided to treat Sowing Network as the winner instead.

And in week 3, the portfolio is back in the green, despite the Panda Yield crash. EXF is the best performing coin so far, with a triple price gain, so it joins the portfolio for good.

This week was a little painful, as D100 collapsed in price, and former champion EXF giving back most of its gains. However, Wault makes up for it, nearly quadrupling in price!! Let's hope its addition helps the portfolio recover.

Not much total movement in week 5. Interesting ALCX (alchemix) was down this week – the price is currently $2k. Anyway, Agave wins and that is also a solid performer (still annoyed I missed the airdrop)

So Argon wins this week with best performance so far. Lots of other strong performers (like Ethernity which I hold in real life), pushing the portfolio into a 25% gain! Looking at the \"winners\" they are a mixed bag, with Agave and Bridge Mutual doing well. EXF has simply collapsed.

I had fun with this experiment so I'll probably do a part 2 in 6 more weeks. Hope you enjoyed reading it!

submitted by /u/Cryptodragonnz
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